Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ain't to proud to beg, sweet darlin!

HOWDY! I've created this blog for many purposes, which I will list numerically.

1. I NEED DONATIONS. Yeah, that was a little blunt, but I'm just going to lay it on the stones! Every single penny would be so very appreciated! I have to save up $2,500+ by this December. I'm not currently financially able to save large sums of money. I plan on getting a better job that has me travel less, as to earn more money AND save gas. A double whammy, I know! :) BUT! Long story short, I'm going to save as much as I possibly can, but I won't be capable of saving up this much by my deadline. Aaaaand, I'm asking for donations. Donations are tax-deductible, and should either be send to the ILP office in Orem, UT, or I plan on setting up a PayPal attachment to this blog, so donations can go straight to me (which are not tax-deductible.) Seriously. Every. Single. Penny. I'd appreciate ANYTHING you can do without. Loves and hearts! :)

2. Keep up with me and my wild and crazy adventures while I'm IN Russia! I'll be having amazing experiences with the kids, culture, language, food, my host family, and I'll even share embarrassing stories with you :) Also, I'll be posting pictures FROM these fantastic experiences. If you want to know where your money is going, keep yourself posted with this handy blog I've set up for all of us! :)

3. REMINISCING. I'm going to grow so so dearly close to this country, and the people. A past volunteer said their experience was similar to that of an LDS mission. Now, if you've ever met someone who's served a mission for the LDS church, do they ever shut up? Negative. They cannot stop talking about their experience, and how much they loved it. They grow so close to the place and the PEOPLE. They steal their heart, to put it simply.

NOW! If you're interested in helping me out by donating your spare pennies, or just keeping tabs after everybody else donated without you, then...
STAY TUNED! January-June of 2013. Moscow. Russia. I'll be there. Watch me.

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