Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Too legit to quit!

Yoooooo! I have a phone interview with Paige from ILP on Friday! Soon enough, I'll be accepted, and I'll be harassing you all for donations, morning, noon, and night!! :)
I was looking into creating a Paypal account and attaching a donation button to this blog, but it takes out a small percentage when I receive money. Anybody know about that?

Now, seriously. I don't know how I say say this in a more serious way. I SO long to go to Russia and serve the people there. I can't do it alone. Truly. I have to raise ~$3000 by mid-December. I have two jobs, and I'm going to school. I babysit when I can. There's not much more I can do. I NEED your help. Any amount you cab do without would be SO very appreciated, you have no idea. I understand that everybody is going though financial troubles or instability. Which is why your donations will mean much more! It's a sacrifice, I know, but it's not for me. Sure, the money is going to me or ILP, but this isn't a vacation. It's going to be hard work. The beat way I can repay you for your donations is by working hard, and providing the children of Russia with the life-altering gift of language! I love these people and the children already, and I can't NOT go. They need me, and I can't let them down. But I can't get there without you.

I will make you two promises, in turn for a donation.
1. I promise I will save my money. I won't rely on donations to get me to Russia. I will work my hardest while I'm still here, and THEN I will use your donations.
2. I promise to work my hardest while I'm there. I will put forth my best efforts to teach and nurture these children. That's why I'm there! I'm there to change the lives of children, and I will honor your donation by putting it to good use!

I promise!

After my interview, I will have all of the donation information, and I'll post it up here. You can send checks straight to the ILP office in Utah, but I don't know all the details yet.

I love you all, and thank you in advanced!! :)


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ain't to proud to beg, sweet darlin!

HOWDY! I've created this blog for many purposes, which I will list numerically.

1. I NEED DONATIONS. Yeah, that was a little blunt, but I'm just going to lay it on the stones! Every single penny would be so very appreciated! I have to save up $2,500+ by this December. I'm not currently financially able to save large sums of money. I plan on getting a better job that has me travel less, as to earn more money AND save gas. A double whammy, I know! :) BUT! Long story short, I'm going to save as much as I possibly can, but I won't be capable of saving up this much by my deadline. Aaaaand, I'm asking for donations. Donations are tax-deductible, and should either be send to the ILP office in Orem, UT, or I plan on setting up a PayPal attachment to this blog, so donations can go straight to me (which are not tax-deductible.) Seriously. Every. Single. Penny. I'd appreciate ANYTHING you can do without. Loves and hearts! :)

2. Keep up with me and my wild and crazy adventures while I'm IN Russia! I'll be having amazing experiences with the kids, culture, language, food, my host family, and I'll even share embarrassing stories with you :) Also, I'll be posting pictures FROM these fantastic experiences. If you want to know where your money is going, keep yourself posted with this handy blog I've set up for all of us! :)

3. REMINISCING. I'm going to grow so so dearly close to this country, and the people. A past volunteer said their experience was similar to that of an LDS mission. Now, if you've ever met someone who's served a mission for the LDS church, do they ever shut up? Negative. They cannot stop talking about their experience, and how much they loved it. They grow so close to the place and the PEOPLE. They steal their heart, to put it simply.

NOW! If you're interested in helping me out by donating your spare pennies, or just keeping tabs after everybody else donated without you, then...
STAY TUNED! January-June of 2013. Moscow. Russia. I'll be there. Watch me.

Quotes on travel, and service.

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime."
Mark Twain

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.

Muhammad Ali

"Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living."

Miriam Beard

The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all. 

Leo Rosten
"There are no foreign lands. It is only the traveler who is foreign."
Robert Louis Stevenson

Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living.
Albert Einstein

"Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey."

Pat Conroy

There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men. There is no greater contribution than to help the weak. There is no greater satisfaction than to have done it well. 

Walter Reuther

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. 
Mohandas Gandhi

Everybody can be great.  Because anybody can serve.  You don't have to have a college degree to serve.  You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.... You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve.  You only need a heart full of grace.  A soul generated by love.  
Martin Luther King, Jr.